February 3, 2023


What is Form E?

Form E is a declaration report submitted by every employer to inform the IRB on the number of employees and the list of employee’s income details every year not later than 31st March.

The Form E contains information on the company (employer) and ALL employee compensation that will be included in CPP8D.

According to Income Tax Act Section 120(1), failure to submit Form E is punishable by a fine of not less than RM 200 and not more than RM 20,000, or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months, or by both (b).


When is the due date to issue E Form?

The due Date for e-Filling will be 30 April every year.


What information is required to fill up Form E?

  • Employer’s (company’s) details.
  • Employees remuneration information (i.e., salaries, wages, allowance, incentives & etc.) to be included in the CP8D form.


What is Form EA?

EA form is an Annual Remuneration Statement that every employer shall prepare and disseminate to their employees before end of February every year.

The EA Form can be used to determine whether our pay grade is above that at which we are required to file taxes.

Failure to prepare and render EA Form to employees before last day of February,
fine of RM 200 to RM 20,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or both.


When is the deadline to issue EA Form?

Employers have to prepare and distribute the EA Form before the last day of February every year.


What information do we need to fill into Form EA?

  • All salaries, benefits, pensions and other paid by employers to employees.
  • Details of tax deductions deducted by employers when calculating MTD (Monthly Tax deduction).
  • EPF & SOCSO contribution by employee.
  • Tax exemption allowances or benefits.

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August 30, 2024


人力资源发展基金 (HRDF) 什么是 HRDF HRDF全名Human Resource Development Fund,也就是 人力资源发展基金。基金是为了提高人力资本的素质和一流 的员工而设,也可以说是要雇主们积极培训员工以提高员工 的工作能力与效率。 好处 HRDF  计划下的雇主可获基金拨款,用于雇员培训计划。人力资 源基金提供的补助金足以应付组织这类培训所需的大部分 开支。 没注册HRDF的后果 罚款高达一万令吉 监禁不超过一年 / or 两者兼施   计算方式 HRDF 需每月缴付给HRDF的数额 = HRD rate x 薪金(固定薪水+ 固定津贴) *薪金不包括不固定薪水(花红/佣金/出差津贴/退休金/奖励)

财务报表延期申请(Extension Of Time -EOT)

August 23, 2024


财务报表延期申请(Extension Of Time -EOT) 什么是财务报表延期申请 (EOT)? 财务报表延期申请(Extension of Time,简称EOT)是马来西亚监管机构采取的一项措施,让这些因不可预见的情况而无法准时履行呈报财务报表的公司,提供额外时间,以完成其财务报表、召开股东大会、完成法定文件,并允许审计公司延迟完成审计的任务。 为什么会有财务报表延期申请(EOT)? 在马来西亚,所有的私人有限公司的审计财务报表必须在财政年度结束后的六个月内进行分发,并在发布日期后的30天内提交给马来西亚公司委员会(Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia,简称SSM)。然而,公司可能因为各种原因而面临无法在截止日期前提交财政报表,例如业务中断、健康危机或法规变化等。在这种情况下,公司可以通过公司秘书提交财务报表延期申请(EOT)。 财务报表延期申请(EOT) 有什么好处? 在这个倡议下,公司将可获得一个为期90天的延期期限,以让其公司有足够的时间准备财务报表、董事报告和审计报告。例如,如果财务报表的发布日期是2021年5月31日,延长期限为2021年8月30日。同样地,如果提交给马来西亚公司委员会(SSM)的发布日期是2021年6月30日,延长期限为2021年9月30日。 如何申请财务报表延期(EOT)? 如需要申请财务报表延期(EOT),可以通知公司秘书准备[第259(2)条]表格提交至马来西亚公司委员会(SSM)。申请时必须提供足够的文件。马来西亚公司委员会(SSM)将对申请进行审查,并根据公司提供的理由和延迟情况的情况确定公司是否有资格获得延期。 需要注意的是,财务报表延期申请(EOT)并不表示公司将豁免提交财务报表或法定文件的义务,而是提供额外的时间来完成这些事项。如未能在延长的截止日期内完成提交审计报告有可能会导致公司面对法律法规规定的罚款或其他后果。因此,公司需要注意及时准确地申请财务报表延期(EOT)并确保在截止日前完成呈报时非常重要的。


August 16, 2024


HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT FUND (HRDF) What is HRDF HRDF as known as Human Resource Development Fund. The fund is designed to improve the quality of human capital and the quality of first-class employees, which can also be said to encourage employers to actively train their employees to improve their working ability and efficiency. Benefit of HRDF  The employers under the scheme are eligible for receiving a grant from the fund to spend on their employee training program. The grants offered by the HRDF are quite capable of handling a major portion of the expenses incurred in organizing such training. Consequences of failure in register HRDF Fine up to RM10,000 Imprisonment for a term not exceeding 1 year/ or Both   Calculations of HRDF HRD levy = HRD levy % x (Basic Salary + Fixed Allowances)