Things To Know For Company Secretary (CS) In Malaysia

December 1, 2023


Meaning of CS

In Malaysia, a CS is a person appointed by a company’s board of directors to ensure that the company complies with all the relevant laws and regulations. The CS is responsible for maintaining the company’s statutory records, preparing and filing legal documents, and ensuring that the company’s meetings and resolutions are properly recorded and documented.

In addition to these legal responsibilities, the CS may also provide advice to the board of directors on matters such as corporate governance, compliance, and company secretarial practice. They may also act as a point of contact between the company and its shareholders, regulators, and other stakeholders. Overall, the CS plays an important role in ensuring that the company operates in accordance with the law and maintains good corporate governance.

CS Responsibilities

  • Corporate Governance. The CS plays a vital role in ensuring that the company complies with all legal and regulatory requirements related to corporate governance, including maintaining the company’s registers, drafting and filing necessary documents, and ensuring that the company’s meetings are properly conducted.
  • Statutory Compliances. CS is responsible for ensuring that the company complies with all statutory requirements, including maintaining the company’s registers, submitting necessary forms and returns, and ensuring that the company’s accounts and other records are properly maintained.
  • Board Support. CS provides support to the board of directors, including scheduling and preparing for board meetings, preparing minutes of meetings, and providing advice on corporate governance matters.
  • Liaison with regulatory authorities. CS is responsible for maintaining good relationships with the regulatory authorities, such as Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM), Bursa Malaysia, LHDN and others as required by law.


Qualification of CS

The memberships of the below list of professional bodies are qualified to act as named company secretaries upon application to the SSM for a Practising Certificate under Section 241 of the Companies Act 2016.

(i) Malaysian Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (MAICSA)

(ii) Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA)

(iii) Malaysian Bar (BC)

(iv) Malaysian Association of Company Secretaries(MACS)

(v) Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (MICPA)

(vi) Sabah Law Association (SLA)

(vii) Advocates Association of Sarawak (AAS)

SSM Directory of Licensed CS

1. How to check a certified CS registered with SSM?
1.1. Visit the SSM website List of Registered Secretaries at
1.2. Please click << List of Registered Secretaries >>
1.3. You can search for a certified CS by entering their name or registration number in the search bar “Control + F”. Example name search: Lee Ray Men or SSM Practicing Certificate No. 201908002387.
1.4. The search result will display the status of the CS, including their name, SSM Practicing Certificate, and State.

Factors to Consider When Hiring A CS In Malaysia

  • Communication skills. The CS should have excellent communication skills and be able to communicate effectively with the board of directors, shareholders, and other stakeholders. They should be able to explain complex legal and regulatory issues in a clear and concise manner.
  • Qualifications and experience. The CS should have the necessary qualifications and experience to carry out the duties of the role effectively. They should have knowledge of the relevant legislation and regulations and should be able to provide sound advice to the board of directors.


Frequent Ask Question (FAQ)

1. Can a Director be a CS in Malaysia?

The Companies Act 2016 does not prohibit a director from also holding the position of CS. However, the Act requires that the CS must have the knowledge and ability to perform their duties, and the appointment must be approved by the board of directors.

2. Can we change the first CS appointed? And How?

It is possible to change the first CS appointed in Malaysia. The process for changing the CS involves several steps, as follows:

2.1. Resignation of the existing CS: The existing CS must first resign from their position. This can be done by submitting a resignation letter to the company’s board of directors.
2.2. Appointment of a new CS. Once the existing CS has resigned, the board of directors must appoint a new CS. The new CS must meet the qualifications required by law, and their appointment must be approved by the board of directors.
2.3. Notification to the authorities. Once a new CS has been appointed, the company must notify the relevant authorities of the change. This can be done by submitting the appropriate forms to SSM within 30 days of the change.
2.4. Handing over of records. The outgoing CS must hand over all the statutory records and documents to the new CS. This includes the statutory registers, minutes of meetings, and any other relevant documentation.

3. Disqualified of CS

  • Conviction of an offense. If a CS is convicted of an offense related to fraud, dishonesty, or any other offense involving moral turpitude, it can result in disqualification.
  • Failure to meet qualification requirements. CS in Malaysia are required to meet certain qualification requirements as per the Companies Act 2016. If a CS fails to meet these qualifications, it can result in disqualification.
  • Bankruptcy. If a CS becomes bankrupt or is declared insolvent, it can result in disqualification.

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Annual Return (AR)

April 5, 2024


ANNUAL RETURN (AR) Under Section 68 of the Companies Act 2016, all incorporation of companies under Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia are compulsory to lodge annual return.   OVERVIEW OF ANNUAL RETURN Annual Return (AR) is a summary of all company’s information such as business activities, business address, registered office, particulars of Board of Company (Director(s) and Shareholder(s), company secretary(ies) and shareholders with its shareholding details in the company.   OBJECTIVE OF ANNUAL RETURN By submitting Annual Return (AR), the stakeholders or investor of the Company aware that the company is doing operation at the anniversary or registered date for the year submitted. The information provided will usually assist the company’s stakeholders to form a general understanding about the company status and condition.   SUBMISSION OF ANNUAL RETURN Appointed licensed Company Secretary or Company’s Agent are responsible to lodge the annual documents to the Registrar through MBRS platform. In addition, Companies must submit Annual Return (AR) for each calendar year due within 30 days from the anniversary of its registration or incorporation date in Malaysia.   FINE FOR NON-COMPLIANCE Each Board of Company will be liable to a fine not exceeding RM 50,000. In the case of a continuing offence, a further fine not exceeding RM 1,000.00 for each day during which the offence continues after conviction. Under Section 549 of the Companies Act 2016, failure to lodge Annual Return (AR) for three or more consecutive years, the Registrar have authority to strike off the company registration.   REMINDER FOR ANNUAL RETURN (AR) DATE In BP Strategy Secretarial Sdn. Bhd., we will automatically remind our client on Annual Return (AR) due date. Our duty as Company Secretary to ensure that our client can have enough time to review and submit on time for company’s Annual Return (AR).


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什么是雇员公积金(EPF) 雇员公积金(EPF)是根据马来西亚法律(特别是《1991年员工公积金法案》(第452号法案))成立的社会保障机构,通过高效可靠地管理其成员的储蓄为其会员提供退休福利。雇主可以通过EPF轻松地履行他们对员工的法律和道德义务。 缴款是指公司往雇员的EPF账户缴纳一笔金额,这笔金额是使用员工的月薪,遵循雇员公积金设定的缴纳金额进行付款。对于收入或薪资低于RM5,000的工人,其缴纳比率为其每月工资的11%,而雇主的份额为13%。对于那些工资/薪资超过RM5,000的人,个人缴纳保持在11%,公司缴纳为12%。 缴款比率会根据马来西亚政策情况而变化,更多详细信息可以参考。 应缴纳雇员公积金(EPF)的人员 雇主有责任代表其员工缴纳EPF,无论员工是否受雇于服务合同或学徒合同,但不包括列于EPF法案1991年第一附表中的个人,其中包括: 兼职,临时和试用期员工。 从公司获得工资的董事。 无论是否在55岁或60岁后全额或部分退休,继续工作到75岁的雇员。 为联邦政府、州政府或任何法定机构或地方政府以外的雇主工作,并在根据《可养老员工和自愿退休提取法案》取出储蓄的雇员。 根据失能法案进行全额提款,随后恢复并以任何形式再次被雇用的员工。 最低年龄:就业年龄受《儿童和少年人(就业)法案1966》的约束。 最高年龄:75岁   支付薪金/工资以便缴纳雇员公积金(EPF) 无论是按月、按周、按日或其他基础约定支付的。根据雇佣或学徒合同应支付给员工的款项。以下是符合EPF缴纳资格的员工付款列表: 薪金 未使用的年假或病假的支付 奖金 津贴 佣金 奖励金 拖欠的工资 产假工资 学习假工资 半天假工资 其他根据服务合同或其他方式的付款   以下是不需要雇员公积金缴纳的付款清单: 服务费 加班费 恩惠金 退休福利 解雇、临时和停工终止福利 任何差旅津贴或差旅津贴的价值 终止雇佣通知的补偿金 董事费